One Room Challenge Update Week 4


Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4

In my previous update, I had week four all figured out. I knew exactly what project I would do, and the update would have been posted early in the week to get out of my last-minute posting rut.

Things started great, but then I hit a roadblock! Some of the product parts were the wrong size, and there was no way to finish that project, take photos and post an update. I felt slightly defeated, to say the least.

After a fair amount of sulking, I started prepping to paint that ceiling I’ve wanted to paint since week 2. I intended to use the paint sprayer, so everything had to be taped and plastic-covered.

From here on, I will let the photos tell most of the story.

Priming walls with a paint sprayer

The first thing I did was spray primer on the wainscoting.

Priming a ceiling for paint

I sprayed the ceiling and crown molding with primer using an extender pole. That way, I didn’t have to use a ladder and could move around freely.

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The primer dried overnight, and the next morning, I taped off the crown molding to spray the ceiling Pale Oak. It was my first time not painting a ceiling white, and I was excited and nervous at the same time!

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This hazy photo shows me spraying the wainscoting with the gorgeous blue – Winter Lake.

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Removing the tape and plastic after spraying everything was more rewarding than ever!

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The sprayed wainscotting is beyond beautiful! I chose a semi-gloss finish, and it did not disappoint. The outlet covers still need to be put back on.

ORC Week4 007

The crown molding and window trim also look fantastic. A few photos back, I showed how I protected the crown molding when spraying the ceiling. To spray the crown molding, I simply pulled those plastic covers up and taped them to the ceiling.

Now, I just need to fix the top edge of the crown molding that was covered with painter’s tape.

ORC Week4 010 edited

Here, you can see the subtle shiny sheen of the wainscoting. And, of course, these two rascals, basking in the afternoon sun.

I painted like a maniac for three days non-stop, but to be honest, I am glad now that I was forced to pivot my plan for the week. Having all the paintwork done in this room feels like a huge accomplishment.

I will spray the built-ins before moving them in, which means the messy stuff is done in here, and I am ready to wallpaper! How exciting is that?

Will I do the wallpaper this coming week? In fear of what happened with my plans during week 4, I’m not announcing anything! Keep an eye out for next week’s update (which may or may not be early) to see what happened.

To see the progress of the other participants, visit the One Room Challenge‘s weekly update page.

Until next week, happy renovating!